
What are lightroom presets?

In Adobe Lightroom, a well-known photo editing program, presets are pre-configured settings or tweaks that may be applied to pictures. With just one click, they may improve the entire appearance and feel of an image and streamline the editing process. Presets are effectively a synthesis of several editing options, such as changes to exposure, contrast, saturation, tone curves, color grading, and more.

To apply a consistent editing approach or desired aesthetic to a number of photographs, use a Lightroom preset as a template. When working on huge batches or series of photos, they help photographers save time and keep a consistent aesthetic across all of their shots. Presets are a useful tool in the photography community because they can be made and shared by experts and amateurs alike.

Presets in Lightroom are simple to use. A preset automatically modifies the various editing parameters after being applied to an image in accordance with the preset’s guidelines. Presets are not, it must be said, a universally applicable approach. Presets may need to be further adjusted or customized to produce the desired effects because each photograph has its own distinct lighting, composition, and subject matter.

There are many built-in presets in Lightroom that cover a variety of looks and moods, including vintage, black and white, film simulations, and more. Additionally, by manually modifying the editing parameters and saving them for later use, photographers can create their own presets. To create even more individualized designs, presets can be altered, added to, or stacked.

The ability to expedite the editing process is one benefit of using Lightroom presets. Presets offer a starting point that may be fine-tuned depending on personal preferences as opposed to manually tweaking each editing parameter for each shot. By doing this, photographers may work on other areas of their craft, like composition or storytelling, and they also save time.

Presets help a photographer’s body of work remain consistent and unified. A coherent style or mood can be established by using the same preset or a collection of presets on many photographs, which is very helpful for portfolios, photo series, or branding purposes.

Presets for Lightroom also encourage experimentation and creativity. They provide photographers with inspiration, allowing them to experiment with various editing techniques, effects, and looks. Presets can serve as a jumping off point for customization, enabling photographers to adjust and fine-tune the settings to reflect their creative goals. By looking at the adjustments performed within a preset, they provide a means of learning and comprehending various editing methods.

Due to the growing demand for Lightroom presets, online communities and markets have emerged where photographers can share, buy, and download other people’s presets. These platforms have a wide range of presets to accommodate various genres, tastes, and skill levels. Photographers can gain knowledge and inspiration from others’ experience and creativity by studying their editing methods and applying them to their own work.

In conclusion, Lightroom presets are pre-set editing options that streamline the Adobe Lightroom photo editing process. They provide a quick and effective approach to improve photographs, keep consistency, and experiment with various styles. Presets help photographers save time, foster creativity, and create a distinctive visual identity. Presets are a useful resource in the always developing world of digital photography, whether they are made by the user or acquired from others.

Types of lightroom presets

The following categories serve as a starting point for understanding the diverse range of presets available. Here are 10 types of Lightroom presets:

  1. Film Emulation: These presets aim to replicate the look and feel of various film stocks, mimicking the characteristics of classic film photography.
  2. Vintage: Vintage presets add a nostalgic and aged effect to the images, often incorporating warm tones, faded colors, and grain.
  3. Black and White: These presets convert images to grayscale or apply different toning techniques to create striking black and white photographs.
  4. Portrait Enhancement: Presets designed specifically for enhancing portrait photography by smoothing skin tones, enhancing details, and improving overall tonal balance.
  5. Landscape and Nature: Presets tailored for enhancing the natural beauty of landscapes, enhancing colors, increasing contrast, and improving overall clarity.
  6. HDR (High Dynamic Range): HDR presets help balance exposure and enhance details in high-contrast scenes, providing a more dynamic and vibrant look.
  7. Matte: Matte presets add a soft and muted look to images by reducing contrast, desaturating colors, and adding a subtle haze.
  8. Fashion and Editorial: Presets used to achieve the high-end, polished, and vibrant look often seen in fashion and editorial photography.
  9. Cinematic: Cinematic presets mimic the color grading and tonal characteristics found in movies, giving images a dramatic and cinematic feel.
  10. Cross-Processing: Inspired by traditional cross-processing techniques in film photography, these presets apply unconventional color shifts, resulting in unique and experimental looks.

Remember, these are just a few examples, and there are many more types of Lightroom presets available, each catering to different styles, moods, and creative preferences.

What are default Lightroom Presets by Adobe

Default presets are provided with Adobe Lightroom as part of the package. For individuals who are new to editing or want to make quick changes, these default settings offer a good place to start.

Here are some of the default presets commonly found in Adobe Lightroom:

  1. Color Presets: These presets adjust the color balance and overall color appearance of the image. Examples include Vivid, Neutral, Standard, and Landscape.
  2. Black and White Presets: Lightroom offers several default black and white presets that convert the image to grayscale or apply different toning techniques. Examples include High Contrast, Low Contrast, and Infrared.
  3. Creative Presets: These presets apply artistic or creative effects to the image. Examples include Cross Process, Grainy Film, and Vintage.
  4. HDR Presets: These presets optimize the image for high dynamic range (HDR) processing, helping balance exposure and enhance details in high-contrast scenes.
  5. Portrait Presets: Lightroom provides default presets tailored specifically for enhancing portraits. These presets often focus on skin smoothing, color adjustments, and enhancing details.
  6. Landscape Presets: Default landscape presets help enhance the natural beauty of outdoor scenes by adjusting colors, saturation, and clarity to create more vibrant and impactful images.
  7. Monochrome Presets: Lightroom offers several default presets for black and white conversion, providing different toning options and styles to achieve striking monochrome images.
  8. Light and Exposure Presets: These presets adjust the exposure, brightness, and contrast of the image to achieve a desired overall tonal balance. Examples include High Key, Low Key, and Balanced.
  9. Tonal Adjustments Presets: These presets focus on modifying specific tonal areas of the image, such as shadows, highlights, and mid-tones. Examples include Shadows & Highlights, Strong Contrast, and Soft Contrast.
  10. Sharpening and Noise Reduction Presets: Lightroom includes default presets for enhancing image sharpness and reducing noise. These presets offer different levels of sharpening and noise reduction for various shooting conditions.

These default presets in Adobe Lightroom are a starting point for editing and can be customized further based on individual preferences and specific image requirements. They provide a foundation for users to explore and develop their own editing styles while benefiting from the convenience and efficiency of pre-defined adjustments.

Why use lightroom presets?

There are several reasons why photographers use Lightroom presets:

  1. Time-Saving: Presets allow photographers to quickly apply a set of pre-defined editing settings to their photos with just a single click. This saves a significant amount of time, especially when working with large batches of images or aiming for a consistent look across a series.
  2. Consistency: Presets help photographers maintain a cohesive style or aesthetic across their body of work. By applying the same preset or a set of presets to multiple images, they can achieve a unified look and feel, enhancing the overall impact and professionalism of their portfolio or project.
  3. Inspiration and Exploration: Presets serve as a source of inspiration, enabling photographers to explore different editing styles, effects, and looks. They provide a starting point for experimentation and creativity, allowing photographers to learn and understand various editing techniques by analyzing the changes made within a preset.
  4. Learning Tool: By using presets created by others, photographers can gain insights into different editing approaches and techniques. By examining the settings and adjustments within a preset, photographers can deepen their understanding of how certain looks and effects are achieved, and apply that knowledge to their own editing process.
  5. Customization: While presets provide a baseline edit, they are not a one-size-fits-all solution. Photographers can further customize and fine-tune the settings within a preset to match their specific preferences and requirements. This flexibility allows photographers to maintain their individual style while benefiting from the time-saving aspect of presets.
  6. Efficiency in Workflow: Lightroom presets streamline the editing workflow by automating repetitive tasks. Photographers can apply presets to multiple images simultaneously, reducing the need for manual adjustments on each photo. This efficiency frees up time for other aspects of photography, such as shooting, client communication, or creative planning.
  7. Community and Collaboration: Lightroom presets have created a vibrant online community where photographers can share, sell, and download presets created by others. This collaborative environment allows photographers to exchange ideas, gain inspiration, and benefit from the expertise and creativity of fellow photographers.

Ultimately, Lightroom presets are a valuable tool for photographers looking to save time, maintain consistency, explore different styles, and enhance their overall editing workflow. Presets provide a starting point for customization and creativity, offering photographers a wide range of possibilities to achieve their desired look and express their unique artistic vision.

How to install lightroom presets

  1. Preset installations in Lightroom are simple to do. A step-by-step tutorial for installing presets in Lightroom is provided here:
  2. Get the preset files you want to install by downloading them. Depending on the version of Lightroom, these files often carry the file extension “.lrtemplate” for older versions or “.xmp” for more recent ones.
  3. Open Adobe Lightroom on your PC and look for the Presets folder. Click “Lightroom” and choose “Preferences” from the top navigation menu (on Windows) or the top menu bar (on Mac). Visit the “Presets” tab in the Preferences box.
  4. To access the presets folder, select the “Show Lightroom Presets Folder” button in the preferences window. This will launch the folder on your computer where your Lightroom presets are located.
  5. You will find numerous subfolders in the Presets folder where you can copy the preset files. Search for the “Develop Presets” folder. When you open this folder, you will discover further folders for various pre-defined categories. Put the preset files you downloaded into the folder that corresponds to their category.
  6. Restart Adobe Lightroom after copying the preset files and closing the presets folder. As a result, Lightroom is able to identify the recently installed presets.
  7. How to find the presets in Lightroom? Launch the Develop module after Lightroom has restarted. The “Presets” panel is located in the left-side panel. The pre-set categories should be listed when you click on the tiny triangle to make it larger.
  8. Apply the Presets: To view the specific presets contained in a preset category, click on the category name. To apply a certain preset to the chosen photo, click on it. The preset parameters can be further modified, and you can also use several presets, if you choose.

You ought to be able to install Lightroom presets and use them in the Lightroom program by following these instructions. Keep in mind to read the precise installation instructions included with the preset files as the procedure may differ significantly based on the version of Lightroom or the preset file format.

Popular Presets by Graphics Plate

This creative list contains some of the best presets by Graphics Plate. These presets are often categorized by style, genre, or specific editing effects. When searching for presets, it’s recommended to explore trusted photography communities, online marketplaces, or dedicated websites that offer a wide range of presets for Adobe Lightroom. These platforms usually provide previews and descriptions of the presets, allowing you to choose the ones that align with your creative vision and editing preferences. following are the top presets by Graphics Plate :

kodak lightroom presets
wedding presets
dreamy presets
influencer presets
food presets
urban presets
chocolate presets
film presets
moody presets

Thank you for going through our creative list of presets.